
Representation Services

As you explore new asia markets, whether in China or beyond, we are here to support you. Leverage our decades of industry experience to strengthen your in-market strategies and enhance your message through our network of trade, media, influencers, and brand partnerships.

Trade Representation

We consult and guide you as you establish connections and engage with the local travel trade.

Sales Calls & Sales Mission

We support you in establishing and building valuable connections to drive sales.

Marketing Strategy & Execution

Our marketing strategies are rooted in local insights, designed to enhance your brand’s reach and impact.

Travel and Market Training & Workshops

Our training and workshops are designed to empower your team with current local insights and knowledge.

Social Media Management

We deliver end to end solutions for any of your social media needs.

Content, Communication Creation & PR Service

We act as brand marketing stewards to build strong marketing strategies and communication tactics to protect, nurture and promote your brand.

Certification Service

Welcome Chinese

The Welcome Chinese Certification is a certificate of recognition awarded to travel industry brands and services that meet the approved standards set by the  China Tourism Academy (CTA). This Certification aims to recognise, guide, and encourage tourism establishments to better cater to the specific travel needs of Chinese travelers.

  • Silk Certification
  • Jade Certification
  • Gold Certification

Travel Marketing and Consulting

Unlock the potential of your travel business with our specialized travel marketing and consulting services. At Select Holding,, we provide in-depth insights into the ever-evolving travel landscape, helping you identify emerging trends, refine your strategies, and connect with your ideal audience. Gain a deeper understanding of traveler preferences and behaviors through our tailored market analysis, customer surveys, and expert recommendations. 

Case Studies

About Us

Select Holding is a leading international company founded in 2011, specializing in travel marketing consultancy and representation services. With offices in China, Southeast Asia, and Italy, Select Holding offers strategic consulting, marketing communications, and representation services to tourism boards and companies seeking to enter or expand in the Asian Markets.

Select Holding has unique expertise in the China outbound travel market and also brings Chinese domestic travel-related brands to global audiences. The company has cultivated strong relationships with Chinese government bodies, particularly the China Tourism Academy (CTA), a department within the Ministry of Culture and Tourism that is pivotal in driving the development of China’s tourism industry and fostering international exchanges.

Select Holding, in collaboration with CTA, developed the Welcome Chinese Certification, a prestigious recognition for brands and services that have met the approved standards and excel in hosting and serving Chinese travelers. As the exclusive worldwide issuer of this certification, Select Holding ensures the highest standards for Chinese visitors.

Contact Us

China Office:

599, Lingling Road, Unit 13-10, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China

Mail us for information


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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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